Tysons Corner Marriott is Official Hotel
If you are traveling from out of state or out of country and require overnight accommodations, the official hotel is the Tysons Corner Marriott, 8028 Leesburg Pike, Tysons Corner, Virginia 22182. The deadline to obtain the special low negotiated rate is tomorrow Wednesday, September 27, 2017. Book online by clicking on this link Book your group rate for Global Woman Peace Foundation Room Block to make your hotel reservations.
Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation is encouraging the walk-A-thon participants to form teams and join in the fundraising efforts to support the post-FGM restorative surgeries for FGM survivors. The three teams that raise the most amounts will be presented with first, second and third prizes. They need your help with only less than two months prior, they are only at 12% of this year’s goal. The pre-walk ceremony is expected to begin at 12:00 Noon, and the actual walk-A-thon will commence at approximately 1:30pm. Participants will begin claiming their t-shirts and giveaway bags at 11:00am. The participants can look forward to a day of excitement and awareness. Even if you are not a walker, you will find the pre-walk ceremony of interest. To be a part of the day, visit the site at www.globalwomanpeacefoundation.org and scroll down to the pink button, “Register for Walk”.
Look out for the continuation of weekly updates on Thursdays in September for news and updates, including weather advisories up to Walk-Day. We look forward to seeing you on October 21st!