F.A. Cole Shares Her Personal FGM Story

By:  F.A. Cole

On August 1, 1984, less than a month after celebrating my 11th birthday, I was subjected to the most brutal form of sexual violence – Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). My step-mother and Papa both decided it was for my good, neglecting to ask me if it was something I wanted. My Mum who is Creole and was not subjected to FGM did not come to my aid, so my step-mother, whom I believe manipulated Papa’s decision took my older sister and me to the ‘chamber of torture’.  My father was not Muslim; he was Catholic and a doctor, yet he allowed it to be done to us, his daughters.

Fast forward 33 years later, having being connected with Angela Peabody and Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation (GWPF), a change occurred in my life – clitoral restorative surgery. Because I’m writing a book about that experience, I will not share in detail everything that happened.

On September 21, 2017 Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation, through the generosity of its donors, sent their first FGM survivor for clitoral restorative surgery.  That survivor was I.  As the day drew closer, I noticed I was having anxiety attacks mainly because I thought the level of post-surgery pain would be much like the pain I experienced on the evening of August 1, 1984. I thought about being unable to urinate, walk, and sit after surgery. I thought about dying during surgery. The surgeon whom I had the privilege of meeting two years prior is someone I love and knowing that she knows me, gave me some hope and encouragement.

Pulling my carry-on luggage behind me as I boarded my flight to San Mateo, California, I felt tightness in my vagina (my hoo-haa) that caused me to almost turn around and head back home. I have heard people say, “The anticipation of death is worse than death itself” and I lived it for four days.  On the day of my surgery, as I lay on the operating bed, I again had panic attacks, and I almost got up and walked out. The nurses however who were assigned to my case helped in reassuring me that everything would be all right – and everything was all right – to some extent.

Following surgery, I returned to my home in Germantown, Maryland.  I tried to adjust to my new way of doing things, such as showering, sitting, sleeping, walking, etc. I had a difficult time sleeping on my back with legs apart. I was unable to lie in the fetus position to which I was accustomed. You probably wonder why I was unable to sleep in my familiar position. It is because my hoo-haa was quite swollen and having my thighs together was painful. Bending down to pick up things off the floor was as equally painful, and so was sitting with my legs crossed. I often wondered if all of it worth undergoing the surgery. In retrospect, you bet it was worth it, but I’ll find out to what degree it was worth it, after I am married and try out my new vagina.

One evening a few days after my surgery, while watching television, I had this weird but good, very good sensation in my hoo-haa area. I quickly got my mobile phone and sent a text message to my surgeon telling her about this feeling to which I was not accustomed. She wrote back saying “that’s your clitoris. That’s what it does.” “No kidding!” I said.  Is this what I have been missing out on? So, this is one of the functions of this beautiful thing called the clitoris?  I was upset.  After popping a Vicodin, which was prescribed to me for the pain, I waited to fall asleep hoping I would awake hours later feeling better. I only took the Vicodin when I was unable to sleep due to the pain.  It did not work. I fumed for a few days after that.  It was just the thought of what had been done to me at 11 years old had deprived me of the natural feelings an experiences God intended for me when he made me.

It has been four months and I am still trying to adjust to my new life. Being #ReUNITeD with my clitoris is one of the most beautiful feelings of completeness I’ve experienced; thanks to Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation and its donors.

Summary by Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation

F.A. Cole is an inspiration to many women who have survived female genital mutilation and other injustices against women and girls.  She is one of the bravest young women with whom GWPF has worked.  Her healing process lasted much longer than she and GWPF had anticipated.  Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation referred Cole to French Urologist, Dr. Foldes in Paris, France who had developed the clitoral restorative surgery.  GWPF sent her to Paris to confer with Dr. Foldes.

FA Cole in Plane after Surgery

Cole returned to the United States and is now doing much better.  Her overall healing, which included physical therapy has gone well.  As she mentioned, she has no regrets in having the surgery, and GWPF is pleased to know that she is well.  The priority of the organization is the well-being of the women and girls affected by female genital mutilation.  While all advocates should work toward ending the practice of FGM, the healing of the survivors of this practice is also of utmost importance.

FGM does not only leave women and girls with physical injury and pain; it leaves them with a much graver pain – the psychological pain.  The healing process does not only include the physical healing.  The women go through a lifetime of psychological pain, and most of them never seek or receive healing entirely.  It is GWPF’s hope that other FGM survivors will allow themselves to heal like F.A. Cole has allowed herself to heal.  Cole will continue to heal as she shares her story openly with others, and encourage other survivors to come forward and share their own stories as well.  It is all part of the healing process.

Recently F.A. Cole traveled to Pennsylvania to speak out about a pending bill in that state to ban female genital mutilation.  Last week she was in Maine, where she pleaded with the officials in Maine to pass the law against FGM.  “I’m pleading with the legislators in Maine, please protect these girls,” Cole said during her visit to Maine.  Cole is not only a survivor of FGM; she is an advocate, author and speaker.  It is very little wonder why her healing has gone so well.

If you are reading this article and you are a survivor of FGM, or you know someone who is a survivor, please contact Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation.  The organization is here to assist you, if you need to speak with someone.  Your story will be kept confidential unless you say otherwise.

Comments and questions to info@globalwomanpeacefoundation.org or call (703) 818-3787

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In your charitable contributions and donations in 2018, please consider Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation by either through the DONATE BUTTON below or by sending a check to Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation, 11350 Random Hills Road, Suite 800, Fairfax, Virginia 22030.  Your generous donations are tax deductible.  Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit organization.

Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation’s 2018 Calendar


  • Monthly Workshop – Saturday, February 17th with Jenna R. Lewis, NP
  • NOVA BP Women’s History Jazz Luncheon – Saturday, March 3rd
  • International Women’s Day (IWD) – March 8th
  • Monthly Workshop – Saturday, March 17th with Dr. Willa D. Jones
  • Commission on the Status of Women (CSW62) – March 12th through 23rd
  • Monthly Workshop – Saturday, April 21st with F.A. Cole
  • Monthly Workshop – Saturday, May 19th with Dr. Karen McDonnell
  • The education toolkit – Now Available and downloadable at https://www.globalwomanpeacefoundation.org/prevention-school-resource-fgm-toolkit/

We will update this 2018 calendar as schedules come in

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From unCUT Voices:  https://uncutvoices.wordpress.com/

The guidelines to submit an announcement to appear in this newsletter:

  • The length of announcement must be no more than a paragraph of 6 lines.
  • Your announcement is free of any charges.
  • Your announcement should be something that pertains to women, girls or students, such as events, walk-a-thons, conferences, etc.
  • If there is an accompanying image, it must be no less than 72 dpi, preferably in jpeg.
  • Your announcement must be received no later than the Thursday 5:00pm prior to the following Tuesday publication.

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Weekly Word-Scramble

Do you enjoy playing with words?  This is a fun way to see how well you can unscramble the following words.  We will reveal the unscrambled words in next week’s edition of the newsletter.  If you enjoyed this, write and give us your feedback to info@globalwomanpeacefoundation.org.

Can you unscramble the following five words?

This Week’s Scrambled Words







Last Week’s Scrambled Words                                  Last Week’s Unscrambled Words


AHETLH RECA                                                                     HEALTH CARE

ROZE ANCERELOT                                                             ZERO TOLERANCE


TEDINU TIONSAN                                                              UNITED NATIONS


We give you five scrambled words each week.  We hope you enjoy playing.

How You Can Help & Support Us

Here are some of the ways you can help and support our programs in 2018:

  • Donations (including in-kind donations) globalwomanpeacefoundation.org
  • Partnering (collaborating in one of our programs and/or events)
  • Joining our Internship or Student-Ambassadorship Program
  • Volunteering
  • Donate through employer payroll deduction (through Your Cause, United Way or the government employee giving program)

Important Contacts in the Washington, D.C. Metro Area to Keep Handy

Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation               703-818-3787

National Child Abuse Hotline                              800-422-4453

Fairfax County Office for Women                       703-324-5730

Virginia Crime Victim Assistance                        888-887-3418

Montgomery County Abused Persons Program   240-777-4673 (24 hours)

Prince Georges County Sexual Assault                301-618-3154

Prince Georges County Child Advocacy Center  301-909-2089

Baltimore City Child Abuse Center                     410-396-6147

Frederick County Child Advocacy Center           301-600-1758

Howard County Listening Place                           410-313-2630

Washington County Child Advocacy Center       240-420-4308

District of Columbia Metropolitan Police            202-727-9099

Alexandria Victim/Witness Program                    703-746-4100

Arlington County Victim/Witness Program        703-228-7273

Loudon County Victim Witness Program            703-777-0417

Prince William County Victim/Witness               703-392-7083

Attention: The U.S. government opposes FGM/C, no matter the type, degree, or severity, and no matter what the motivation for performing it. The U.S. government considers FGM/C to be a serious human rights abuse, gender-based violence, and, when done to children, a form of child abuse. It is against the law to perform FGM/C in the United States on a girl under the age of 18 or to send or attempt to send her outside the United States so FGM/C can be performed. People who violate this law can face prison time and significant immigration consequences. Additionally, anyone who performs FGM/C on a woman 18 years old or older without her consent may be charged with a crime under other laws.  If someone performed FGM/C on you, you have not violated any U.S. laws and are not at fault, call 1-800-994-9662.