Friday, May 13th is FGM Day at Western Heights Middle School

The one day that the world observes the quest to end female genital mutilation (FGM) is February 6th, which was a proclamation made by the United Nations.  After several years of observing February 6th as International Day of Zero Tolerance for FGM, the world has caught on.

Now, a middle school in Hagerstown, Maryland will make history and set precedence as the first school in the U.S. to observe a special day against female genital mutilation.  It began some months ago when Western Heights Middle School (WHMS) observed breast cancer on a special day, and asked the students to wear pink for the day.

A sixth grade student at Western Heights Middle School in Hagerstown, Maryland, Amani DeShield approached her principal about the possibility of having a day at school to observe FGM.  Although her principal did not know much about female genital mutilation, Amani explained the little she knew about the practice of FGM.  She suggested to the principal that the students should be asked to wear purple, the color chosen to signify FGM.

Why would a twelve-year old American student want a day observed at her school for FGM?  Amani is an extraordinary girl with a heart of gold for victims such as the homeless and the girls and women who suffer at the hands of FGM excisors.  She attended the first Walk to End FGM in 2014 with her parents and siblings.  Amani recalls the FGM survivor, Annie Wright sharing her story with the crowd at the walkathon.  The survivor’s story impacted Amani that day, and piqued her curiosity about the practice of FGM.  She sought the opportunity when her school wore pink to observe breast cancer to suggest that they do the same for female genital mutilation.

Amani waited with patience to hear the final decision from her principal, and the answer came this past Friday.  She explains, “The principal came to my class and asked me to see her in her office.  I wondered why she wanted to see me.”  Her principal told her that she had decided to have the school observe female genital mutilation on Friday, May 13th and make the day FGM Day.  In addition, the principal appointed Amani to make the announcement to the student body about FGM Day.  Her announcement will be broadcast on the screen in every classroom at Western Heights Middle School.

While Amani, an honor roll student at WHMS does not consider her gesture a “big deal”, Western Heights Middle School is the first school in the U.S. to proclaim a specific day to observe FGM.  Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation applauds Amani, her principal and Western Heights Middle School for taking a unique step to raise awareness for breast cancer as well as female genital mutilation.

“It is our wish that students and principals in other schools in the U.S. will follow the noble example of Western Heights Middle School and observe FGM on May 13th by wearing purple each year.” said Angela Peabody, the Executive Director of Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation.  Later this fall, Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation plans to launch a student-ambassador program in middle and high schools in the Washington, D.C. metro area.  Amani DeShield is a great example of a student-ambassador.

FGM in the Nation’s Capital (a Science Café)

Two graduate students from Virginia Tech Science and Technology Studies will host a special unconventional Science Café this Saturday, April 30th.  FGM in the Nation’s Capital is what the Virginia Tech University students, Karyn Richardson and Maria Douglass choose to call their science café.  Karyn and Maria gained an interest in the practice of female genital mutilation during their studies of human rights violation, and decided to bring their interest to the Nation’s Capital to help raise awareness of the practice.

According to Karyn and Maria, they expect the science café to boost awareness, get exposure to new ideas, exchange thoughts with advocates and create learning opportunities of female genital mutilation (FGM).  The champagne breakfast science café will be held at 1940 Duke Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314 at 10:00am – 12:30pm.

The event is expected to be attended by FGM women advocates, thought leaders and Virginia Tech students.  The express purpose of the science café is to generate the respectful exchange of ideas surrounding FGM, with topics moderated by a facilitator.  Some of the themes will be impacts of FGM, criminalization, health care for those who have undergone FGM, advocacy for those who have undergone FGM, preventative measures, rhetoric surrounding FGM, FGM in the Washington, D.C. area.

Karyn and Maria explained that their goals for this science café are to create a collaborative environment, bringing practitioners and law persons together to exchange like-minded thoughts.  Most importantly, to make science accessible.  If you did not have plans to attend this meaningful event, please reconsider joining Karyn and Maria and other students of Virginia Tech University for a free champagne breakfast and a rewarding discussion.




APRIL 30, 2016

10am –12:30pm


1940 Duke Street, Ste200

Alexandria, VA 22314

WHY ATTEND? Boost awareness, get exposure to new ideas, exchange thoughts with advocates & create learning opportunities!

JOIN • Global Woman Peace Foundation leadership, prominent local women’s advocacy thought leaders, and Virginia Tech students at this exciting event!






Virginia Tech Science & Technology Studies (STS) students, Maria Douglass & Karyn Richardson


Respectful exchange of ideas surrounding themes in female genital mutilation (FGM) moderated by a facilitator.

Detailed agenda to be provided upon online RSVP.


Create a collaborative environment, bringing practitioners and laypersons together to exchange thoughts… in short, making science accessible.


MALA Raises Funds to Donate to the Flint Water Crisis

The Muslim American Leadership Alliance (MALA), this past Friday presented Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha with a check in the amount of Three Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars ($3500) for the Flint Child Health & Development Fund.  Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha is the doctor who helped expose the lead poisoning in Flint, Michigan.

MALA raised all $3,500 Dollars online from the general public and their supporters.  According to the Executive Director of MALA, Ms. Zainab Khan, “We raised $3,500 so far and presented it on Friday to Dr. Mona. Our goal is to raise a total of $5000, so the remaining goal of the fundraiser will still be online, and we will be sending the raised funds to the Flint Children’s Institute as the donations come through.”  Zainab continued, “Our goal is a modest amount that can easily be attained. Every contribution counts. A $5 or $10 donation makes an impact.”

MALA is a 501c3 civil rights organization committed to promoting individual freedom and celebrating Muslim-American heritage. An alliance dedicated to leadership through integrity, MALA provides a platform for Muslim-Americans to share their stories; nurture emerging community leaders; and unite Americans of all backgrounds to advance constructive solutions to extremism and human rights abuses. They embrace free expression, gender equality, and pluralism as cherished universal ideals – and recognize the United States as one of the best countries in the world to be Muslim because of their country’s core values.

MALA believes that it is a much needed endeavor to partner with the Flint Child Health & Development Fund to continue providing services to children who have been affected by tainted water. “A range of health issues include developmental delays, learning disabilities, problems with attention and fine motor coordination, long term neurological impairments, and even violent behavior.” Said Zainab Khan.

They will continue to receive donations until they reach their goal of $5000.  To make a donation please visit :

NOTE:  An Exclusive will return next week.

Weekly Special Announcements

Busboys and Poets Wellness Revolution is held this Wednesday, April 27, 2016, 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM as Sister Jenna of the Meditation Museum discusses the launch of “Meditate the Vote”. It is a grassroots movement conceived by the American Meditating Radio Show and an alliance of friends from around the country, wishing to contribute a greater awareness.  The month of May has been declared National Meditation Month and “Meditate the Vote” will be launched on May 1st.  To RSVP for this free event, visit

Shannon Whren Enterprises presents a stage play, Bound & Gagged – Saturday, April 30, 2016 at 3:00pm & 8:00pm at 14107 Gibbons Church Road in Brandywine, Maryland 20613.  This phenomenal stage play spotlights the horrible phases of domestic violence in our families and communities.  Bound & Gagged is a story that unfolds the life of a prestigious family well loved and respected in the community and church. Bound & Gagged reveals how children that are not validated or told who they are in the home by their parents fall prey to some form of abuse. Raising children in an abusive environment causes them to repeat or allow the same violent behavior throughout their life. Bound and Gagged has taken an up close and personal endeavor to bring information, knowledge, awareness, support, self-worth and most of all freedom.  For tickets visit

Volunteers Needed:  Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation is in search of volunteers for their 3rd annual Walk to End FGM in the nation’s capital on Saturday, October 15, 2016.  Volunteers’ responsibilities are: Arrive early, set-up, on-site registration, T-shirt and bag distribution, oversee donations, supervision of the tents, coordinate pre-walk ceremony, seat speakers and guests, coordinate photo-ops and pre-walk interviews.  All volunteers will have free registration for the walk.  A special registration code will be provided once you have been approved as a volunteer.  If you are interested in being a volunteer for the Walk to End FGM send an email to  and put in the subject line, “Volunteer”.

Female Mutilation authored by Hilary Burrage is scheduled to formally be released in both the USA and Canada on May 2, 2016.  The book will be on sale at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.  This book is highly recommended for high school students and anyone who wants to learn more about the practice of FGM/C.

Save the Date:  1st Annual LifeAfter FGM’s Sister Talk Conference – Take Back the Power.  Saturday May 21st, 2016. 1:30 – 4:00 PM at the Nyumburu Cultural Center, 4018 Campus Drive, College Park, Maryland.  This event is organized for survivors of FGM and other forms of sexual violence.  Attendees will receive tools which will help them take back the power their abusers have over them and live a life of total freedom.  Open to all, so come and meet other survivors in your community and form a coalition to fight against #FGM.

Save the Date: Saturday, October 15, 2016.  Plan to join us for the Walk to End FGM 2016.  Call 703.818.3787 or email for additional information.  Follow us on Twitter @1Globalwoman and “like” us on FaceBook


Attention: The U.S. government opposes FGM/C, no matter the type, degree, or severity, and no matter what the motivation for performing it. The U.S. government considers FGM/C to be a serious human rights abuse, gender-based violence, and, when done to children, a form of child abuse. It is against the law to perform FGM/C in the United States on a girl under the age of 18 or to send or attempt to send her outside the United States so FGM/C can be performed. People who violate this law can face prison time and significant immigration consequences. Additionally, anyone who performs FGM/C on a woman 18 years old or older without her consent may be charged with a crime under other laws.  If someone performed FGM/C on you, you have not violated any U.S. laws and are not at fault, call 1-800-994-9662.

Now your announcements can be published in this newsletter at no charge.  Our newsletter reaches thousands of readers around the world.  Every week we will list announcements in this section of the newsletter.  The guidelines to submit an announcement are:

  • The length of announcement must be no more than a paragraph of 6 lines.
  • Your announcement should be something that pertains to women, girls or students, such as events, walk-a-thons, conferences, etc.
  • If there is an accompanying image, it must be no less than 72 dpi, preferably in jpeg.
  • Your announcement must be received no later than the Thursday 5:00pm prior to the following Tuesday publication.
  • Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation reserves the right to deny a submission if it is not within our guidelines.

Weekly Word-Scramble

Do you enjoy playing with words?  This is a fun way to see how well you can unscramble the following words.  We will reveal the unscrambled words in next week’s edition of the newsletter.  If you enjoyed this, write and give us your feedback to

Can you unscramble the following five words?

This Week’s Scrambled Words







Last Week’s Scrambled Words                               Last Week’s Unscrambled Words

MTWONNAERG                                                                GERMANTOWN

KLYNROOB                                                                        BROOKLYN

TROIETD                                                                            DETROIT

DRIAALEXAN                                                                   ALEXANDRIA

RICAMEA                                                                           AMERICA

We give you five scrambled words each week.  We hope you enjoy playing.

How You Can Help & Support Us

Here are some of the ways you can help and support our programs in 2016:

  • gofundme
  • Donations (including in-kind donations)
  • Partnering (collaborating in one of our programs and/or events)
  • Joining our Internship or Ambassadorship Program
  • Volunteering
  • Donate through employer payroll deduction (through Mile High United Way or the government employee giving program)
  • Sign our Petition