Survivor of FGM Pleads to Other Parents to Have Mercy on Their Girls

This true story was originally published by the AHA Foundation in August 2017.  The author and survivor chooses to remain anonymous, and we honor her decision.

It is the recovery room in a hospital in Egypt. The girl is six or seven years old. She comes slowly to consciousness from the anesthetic and feels an unbearable, indescribable pain. Her mother is happy and so are all who surround her and do not feel her pain. Her sister is on the other bed and does not utter a word.

Still the girl does not understand what is going on or what happened to her….

Yes, I could not understand or comprehend. Only pain was there, speaking loudly to my body.

The mother and grandmother are from the countryside but live in Cairo and still follow the tribal traditions. The father is simple and from Upper Egypt and supports the mother and grandmother’s idea….

The child keeps on bleeding for a while, but is afraid to speak. She touches her bed underneath to find blood. She starts to faint.  It is 1 or 2 am, the girl calls her mother telling her that she is bleeding. The mother sees the blood and screams “Help, help: my girl is dying!”

The girl is bleeding and crying out from her heart; she does not understand what is going on, why she is here in the hospital and why she is bleeding? The mother is terrified and the nurses cannot do anything.

One of the nurses says that the child is bleeding and the stitches are disconnected. They begin to inject her to stop the bleeding, but in vain.

“Still the girl does not understand what is going on or what happened to her….”

The doctor finally comes from her home and says the girl has thin blood, liquidity which has caused severe bleeding. She should undergo another operation.

But the girl is skinny and has just undergone an operation and the physician decides they cannot do another operation with anesthetic for a second time.

But another operation to stop the bleeding must be done and will cause more pain while the girl has not recovered yet from the first operation.

So, the doctor decides to operate without anesthetic!!

She is dragged to the operation room, as she was dragged before to the taxi. Four nurses are there pinning down the girl’s legs and arms for the operation. They know she will resist because of the pain. It is without anesthetic, without mercy.

The girl feels absolutely everything, every painful action incursion into her body. She calls for her dad, brother, mom…because of the severe pain, she cries out and decides to hate her mother and her life.

“The girl feels absolutely everything, every painful action incursion into her body.”

It is a punishment which she still suffers even now. The everlasting fear is now her friend. She was not dead after she underwent FGM. She did not die when she was bleeding, but her spirit is dead, as is her relationship with her mother.

That girl is now 32 years old. She is writing this story while studying for her Masters in Human Rights in a foreign country that respects her rights as a woman.

The girl is frightened about all things female, and she fears marriage too, in preparation for which her mother insisted a second operation must be done before the wedding. This time the girl resisted and refused, just as she still resists, protecting her third sister from criminal cutting.

The girl, now woman, is successful in her social relations and chose to work in human rights, especially women’s rights, in order to prevent this severe crime. She is still frightened by marriage and by everything around her, but she laughs and helps all who need her help and aid. She had no choice undergoing this severe crime, but she decided to have a choice to live what remains of her life without fear. That is why she speaks now.

“Have mercy on your girls.”

I still feel severe physical pain which repeats with my period every month to remind me how I was violated. My soul is tired too. We are obliged to live in an ignorant merciless society which sees and treats girls as if they were shameful, disregarding however much they are respectful, educated, or religious.

Girls are still buried alive by practices like FGM, harassment, and obliged marriage; but I do not think that cutting intimate parts will protect a girl from sexual deviation or prevent ‘promiscuity.’

“Have mercy on your girls.”

The practice after FGM was to use hot water and antiseptic for a week to urinate naturally, trying to ease the severe pain. It took a longer time for me because I needed more care. I am now 32 years old and terrified to have a relationship with a man.

Pain, blood, near-death status, brutality, ignorance, violation, discrimination, unfairness, victim…these are parts of my daily psychological dictionary.

Why I have been born as a female?

Why did my ‘mom’ do this to me?

Why there was no law in my country to protect me against this crime?

Why did my father allow that crime?

Why did the hospital and the doctor agree to commit that crime?

Where are my so-called human rights?

These again are parts of my daily conversations!

These, without exaggeration, are the memories which accompany the crime, and still there are other memories that cannot be described or put in words. I still cannot forgive my mother for the physical and psychological pain I still feel even today.

To every mother I say – your daughter is a beautiful spirit and you can teach her how to protect herself by bringing her up lovingly and making her love herself as a female, born a complete human, not as a human who needs to be made ‘perfect’ by cutting into her body.

“To every mother I say – your daughter is a beautiful spirit and you can teach her how to protect herself by bringing her up lovingly and making her love herself.”

For me, the physical and moral wounds continue. My mother does not know that I am studying in another country.

Please pray that my pain and every circumcised girl’s pain will lessen. I hope that parents everywhere will have mercy on their girls and protect them from that permanent torture, the criminal act of female genital mutilation.


Send all comments and questions about the preceding article to or call (703) 818-3787.        

Walk To End FGM Special News

Tysons Corner Marriott is Official Hotel

If you are traveling from out of state or out of country and require overnight accommodations, the official hotel is the Tysons Corner Marriott, 8028 Leesburg Pike, Tysons Corner, Virginia 22182.  The deadline to obtain the special low negotiated rate is Wednesday, September 27, 2017.    If you call to book your hotel reservations, make sure to ask for the Global Woman PEACE Foundation Room Block rate.  If you book online, make sure you click on this link Book your group rate for Global Woman Peace Foundation Room Block to make your hotel reservations.

Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation has encouraged walk-A-thon participants to form teams and join in the fundraising efforts to support the post-FGM restorative surgeries for FGM survivors.  The three teams that raise the most amounts will be presented with first, second and third prizes.  They need your help with only less than two months prior, they are only at 12% of this year’s goal.  The pre-walk ceremony is expected to begin at 12:00 Noon, and the actual walk-A-thon will commence at approximately 1:30pm.  Participants will begin claiming their t-shirts and giveaway bags at 11:00am.  The participants can look forward to a day of excitement and awareness.  Even if you are not a walker, you will find the pre-walk ceremony of interest.  To be a part of the day, visit the site at and scroll down to the pink button, “Register for Walk”.

Look out for the continuation of weekly updates on Thursdays in September for news and updates, including weather advisories up to Walk-Day.  We look forward to seeing you on October 21st!


Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation’s 2017 Calendar


We will update this calendar as the year progresses.  Please mark your calendars, as we work together for a prosperous 2017.

Volunteers Responsibilities:  Arrive early, set-up, on-site registration, T-shirt and bag distribution, oversee donations, supervision of the tents, coordinate pre-walk ceremony, seat speakers and guests, coordinate photo-ops and pre-walk interviews.  We invite our 2016 volunteers to join us this year.  They did a great job last year.  All volunteers will have free registration for the walk.  If you are interested in being a volunteer for the Walk To End FGM send an email to  and put in the subject line, “Volunteer”.

To volunteer, contact us at or call 703-818-3787.  Register at and Walk to End FGM.

Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation is a registered 501c3 non-profit organization with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.  As such, your donations and registration fees are tax deductible to the maximum extent required by law.

Make Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation Your Favorite Charity in 2017

When you shop during the year at Amazon, please select Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation as your charity of choice. When you #StartWithaSmile, Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price to Global Woman Peace Foundation. Bookmark the link below and support us every time you shop.

In your charitable contributions and donations in 2017, please consider Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation by either through the DONATE BUTTON below or by sending a check to Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation, 14001A Grumble Jones Court, Centreville, Virginia 20121.  Your generous donations are tax deductible.  Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit organization.

Do you have an announcement you would like to place in this section of the newsletter?  Here are the guidelines below:

The guidelines to submit an announcement are to appear in this newsletter:

  • The length of announcement must be no more than a paragraph of 6 lines.
  • Your announcement is free of any charges.
  • Your announcement should be something that pertains to women, girls or students, such as events, walk-a-thons, conferences, etc.
  • If there is an accompanying image, it must be no less than 72 dpi, preferably in jpeg.
  • Your announcement must be received no later than the Thursday 5:00pm prior to the following Tuesday publication.
  • Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation reserves the right to deny a submission if it is not within our guidelines.

Weekly Word-Scramble

Do you enjoy playing with words?  This is a fun way to see how well you can unscramble the following words.  We will reveal the unscrambled words in next week’s edition of the newsletter.  If you enjoyed this, write and give us your feedback to

Can you unscramble the following five words?

This Week’s Scrambled Words







Last Week’s Scrambled Words                               Last Week’s Unscrambled Words

HENCFR                                                                                FRENCH

LORACSH                                                                             SCHOLAR

MALISODALN                                                                     SOMALILAND

GUSERON                                                                            SURGEON

GINIRAVI                                                                             VIRGINIA

We give you five scrambled words each week.  We hope you enjoy playing.

How You Can Help & Support Us

Here are some of the ways you can help and support our programs in 2016:

  • Donations (including in-kind donations)
  • Partnering (collaborating in one of our programs and/or events)
  • Joining our Internship or Student-Ambassadorship Program
  • Volunteering
  • Donate through employer payroll deduction (through Your Cause, United Way or the government employee giving program)

Important Contacts in the Washington, D.C. Metro Area to Keep Handy

Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation               703-818-3787

National Child Abuse Hotline                              800-422-4453

Fairfax County Office for Women                       703-324-5730

Virginia Crime Victim Assistance                        888-887-3418

Montgomery County Abused Persons Program   240-777-4673 (24 hours)

Prince Georges County Sexual Assault                301-618-3154

Prince Georges County Child Advocacy Center  301-909-2089

Baltimore City Child Abuse Center                     410-396-6147

Frederick County Child Advocacy Center           301-600-1758

Howard County Listening Place                           410-313-2630

Washington County Child Advocacy Center       240-420-4308

District of Columbia Metropolitan Police            202-727-9099

Alexandria Victim/Witness Program                    703-746-4100

Arlington County Victim/Witness Program         703-228-7273

Loudon County Victim Witness Program             703-777-0417

Prince William County Victim/Witness               703-392-7083

Attention: The U.S. government opposes FGM/C, no matter the type, degree, or severity, and no matter what the motivation for performing it. The U.S. government considers FGM/C to be a serious human rights abuse, gender-based violence, and, when done to children, a form of child abuse. It is against the law to perform FGM/C in the United States on a girl under the age of 18 or to send or attempt to send her outside the United States so FGM/C can be performed. People who violate this law can face prison time and significant immigration consequences. Additionally, anyone who performs FGM/C on a woman 18 years old or older without her consent may be charged with a crime under other laws.  If someone performed FGM/C on you, you have not violated any U.S. laws and are not at fault, call 1-800-994-9662.