The Board of Directors of Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation convened in their 2019 Year-end meeting this past Saturday. The members met over lunch in an area restaurant to review their annual reports, events, and activities in 2019. They also strategically planned their calendar and budget for the upcoming year. The members look forward to the coming year, and the new implementations they discussed.
They have agreed to a few changes in the organization in the upcoming year, 2020. Some of the expected changes are future improvements to the monthly support group, the annual Walk To End FGM, fundraising campaigns, their website, and the Global Woman Newsletter (GWN). All of these changes are more on an improvement basis in the interest of the women and girls GWPF services, and the supporters.
It was agreed that the GWPF’s website does not do justice to the many activities in which the organization engages. Therefore the website will be going through reconstruction sometime in 2020. GWPF asks your patience, understanding and support while they undergo all of the changes they have planned for 2020.
Being mindful of you, their readers, the organization has decided to reduce the frequency of the newsletter to a monthly publication. Since the inception of the Global Woman Newsletter in 2015, it has been a weekly publication. However GWN wants to hear from you in this decision; share with them on FaceBook or send them an email at and tell them if you would like to see the newsletter remain weekly or see it moved to a monthly publication. The deadline to send in your vote is Saturday, December 28, 2019. Please visit the FaceBook page of Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation at and vote either “monthly” or “weekly” to determine the frequency of the newsletter publication in 2020. GWN looks forward to hearing from you with your vote.

Seen in the photograph are some members of the Board of Directors. Missing from the photograph are Amie Jallah, Arnold DeShield and Lisa Brett.
Comments and questions to or call (703) 832-2642