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The wait is almost over – we are in October, and the 2-day event is actually next week! It is exactly 8 days until the Global Woman Awards (#GlobalWomanAwards) and 9 days from the Walk To End FGM (#walk2endfgm). Are you ready? Have you registered yet? Register at https://www.wizathon.com/walk2endfgm/, and be a part of a memorable event of its 6th and 7th year respectively. In the next few days, we will feature 2 awardees a day. Here are our featured Honorees for today, Tuesday, October 6th:

The Honorable Congresswoman, Sheila Jackson Lee is our honoree this year for the “Lisa C. Bruch Woman of the Year” Award. Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee is an influential and forceful voice in Washington. She is serving her thirteenth term as a member of the United States House of Representatives. She was instrumental in getting the bipartisan anti-FGM Vacation Cutting bill passed in 2013. The Congresswoman is currently leading Bill HR6100 in Congress to have the original anti-FGM Federal Law amended. She sits on three Congressional Committees — a senior member of the House Committees on the Judiciary and Homeland Security and appointed by the leadership as a Member of the crucial Budget Committee. Congratulations, Congresswoman Jackson Lee!

Attorney Jeanne Smoot, a graduate of Harvard University Law School and Harvard-Radcliffe College is our 2020 honoree for Policy Making/Legal Award. She obtained her master’s degree from Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University. From 2011 to 2012, she served as a Wasserstein Public Interest Fellow at Harvard Law School. As Senior Counsel for Policy and Strategy, Jeanne is principally focused on leading the development of legal and policy proposals to address forced marriage in the United States. Prior to moving into to her role as senior counsel, Jeanne led Tahirih’s public policy team for over a decade, fighting to reduce vulnerabilities of immigrant women and girls and to empower them as survivors. Jeanne also helped lead successful efforts to defend and expand protections for immigrant survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault in the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act and in the passage of a Senate bill to reform immigration laws.
Global Woman Awards – Friday afternoon, October 16, 2020:
We are collaborating with SheFFA Foundation and George Washington University in collectively honoring 5 women, 4 men and a secondary school student. They will receive the Global Woman Award in 9 different categories. To read about all of our 2020 honorees, visit our link below;
Friday Itinerary: 3:00p.m. Global Woman Awards, Keynote Speech from Lyric Thompson of ICRW, a speech from Maryum Saifee, and musical entertainment from vocalist “Butterscotch” and jazz vocalist and musician, Benjamin Caesar.
Friday afternoon emcee: Tyra Garlington, International Talk Show Host
Friday Location: Virtual Zoom livestream broadcast – link and e-program are now being provided this week. Check your email inbox for link and e-program.
Walk To End FGM – Saturday morning, October 17, 2020:
Former Maine State Representative, Heather Sirocki is our Keynote Speaker of the day, and we will be joined by guitarist and vocalist, Royce Lovett, who will serenade us before we take to the streets in our respective communities to safely walk, observing the social distancing requirements. We hope you will join us. To read about our 2020 speakers, entertainers and Emcees, visit our link below;
Saturday Itinerary: Pre-walk program starts at 10:00a.m. – the walk starts at 11:30a.m. Please take photos and/or videos of you walking and post them to our Facebook page. We will compile a collage in memory of the year 2020 when our lives changed, and every life that was lost to COVID-19.
Saturday morning emcee: Linord Moudou, International Talk Show Host
Saturday Location: Virtual Zoom livestream broadcast – link and e-program is now being provided this week. Remember to check your email inbox for link and e-program.
Special Saturday Prizes to: Teams that raise the 4 highest amounts. Competing in the Top 4 spots are Team Jacqui Olkin (1st place), Team Marin Hoang (2nd place), Team Diane Walsh (3rd place), and Team NANBPWC 2020 (4th place). We have great special prizes this year. Which team will receive those great prizes? It is not too late to form a team or join one. Get in on the competition! You may even select the number of miles or kilometers you will walk, and get your local merchant(s) to sponsor each mile, matching it with a dollar amount to help us raise funds.
Ways to Participate
- Form a team and invite others to join your team and help raise funds
- Join a team that is already formed
- Register as an individual participant
- Sponsor a team or an individual participant or sponsor the event
- Be a Partner Organization with Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation in the Walk to End FGM
Contact us at info@globalwomanpeacefoundation.org or call 703-832-2642. Please register at our link below and Walk To End FGM.
Don’t Miss Out!!!
********We are reminding you to register if you have not done so********
The proceeds raised from the Walk To End FGM are used to support the mental and physical health of survivors of FGM/C, including group and one-on-one counseling. Proceeds will also help keep Liberian and Sierra Leone girls in school to prevent them from undergoing FGM/C. To read about our 4 programs visit https://www.wizathon.com/walk2endfgm/?id=4940.
Thank You for Your Support!
Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation is a registered 501c3 non-profit organization with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. As such, your donations and registration fees are tax deductible to the maximum extent required by law.