- Support/Focus Group Meeting – Saturday, March 4th
- International Women’s Day on March 8th
- “The Best Defense is a Good Offense” A Walk for HIV Prevention – March 10th
- Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) – April 13th through 21st
- 11th Annual Dr. Julianne Malveaux Women’s History Luncheon/Awards – April 23rd
- 25th Annual Children’s Justice Conference – April 11th through 12th
- Walk To End FGM registration begins – May
- Vacances San Excision (Summer without Cutting) Camp – August
- Walk To End FGM on October 21st
- Giving Tuesday – November 28th
We will update this calendar as the year progresses. Please mark your calendars, as we work toward a prosperous 2017.
Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation Wishes You a Happy & Loving Valentine’s Day!
Make Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation Your Favorite Charity in 2017
Support us when you shop for Valentine’s Day gifts. #StartWithaSmile at and Amazon donates. When you shop during the year at Amazon, please select Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation as your charity of choice.
In your charitable contributions and donations in 2017, please consider Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation by either through the DONATE BUTTON below or by sending a check to Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation, 14001A Grumble Jones Court, Centreville, Virginia 20121. Your generous donations are tax deductible. Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit organization.
A Petition: End to FGM in India – Please sign this in support of ending the practice in India.
Do you have an announcement you would like to place in this section of the newsletter? Here are the guidelines below: |
The guidelines to submit an announcement are to appear in this newsletter:
- The length of announcement must be no more than a paragraph of 6 lines.
- Your announcement is free of any charges.
- Your announcement should be something that pertains to women, girls or students, such as events, walk-a-thons, conferences, etc.
- If there is an accompanying image, it must be no less than 72 dpi, preferably in jpeg.
- Your announcement must be received no later than the Thursday 5:00pm prior to the following Tuesday publication.
- Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation reserves the right to deny a submission if it is not within our guidelines.