Wholesome Organic Relief Program

Wholesome Organic Relief involves the total process toward the relief of the consequences of female genital mutilation, (FGM) for women and girls who have experienced it.  This program offers one-on-one counseling with a mental health professional and/or a part of the support group discussion, facilitated by a professional counselor.  When a survivor of FGM physically heals, there are keloids, hanging skin and abscess in her vaginal area.  Later in life, conception can be difficult; urination and sexual intercourse are exceptionally painful and unbearable.  It is common for some FGM survivors to avoid pelvic exams and pap smears.  The restorative surgery is the restoration of the clitoris and labia.  The surgery eliminates the daily pain and discomfort caused by FGM.  It gives relief to the survivor after a lifetime of pain.  Physical therapy is used to improve a patient’s quality of life through examination, diagnosis, prognosis, and physical intervention.  Some therapists use the sonogram ultrasound machine in the initial examination to determine the magnitude of the damage done during FGM.

The components of the Wholesome Organic Relief program are the following:

  • Professional Counseling
  • Obstetrics/Gynecology (OB/GYN) Support
  • Restorative Surgery Sponsorship
  • Physical Therapy
  • Monthly Support Group Workshop
  • Survivor-only support group