Virginia Governor Approves FGM Education in Schools

On January 15th of this year, the Global Woman Newsletter reported that Virginia Senator, Richard H. Black of the 13th District of Virginia had put forth a special education Senate Bill to his colleagues in the Virginia Senate.  Senate Bill 1159 was voted on and passed unanimously by the Virginia Senate Committee in late January.  It then moved over to the House, where it survived and was successfully passed by the Virginia General Assembly later in February.

After the wait and anticipation for close to two months, Virginia Governor, Ralph Northam approved the Bill last Monday, March 18th, which is expected to become law on July 1, 2019.  The Education Bill summarizes that any family life education curriculum offered in any middle school, or high school to incorporate age-appropriate elements of effective and evidence-based programs on the harmful physical and emotional effects of female genital mutilation (FGM), associated criminal penalties, and the rights of the victim including any civil action.  Elementary students will not be required to study FGM in the Commonwealth of Virginia until they reach Middle School age.  Affected directly by this new law will be the Virginia Board of Education, Virginia Local School Divisions, and the Virginia Department of Education.

Yesterday, Global Woman Newsletter contacted Senator Black on his reaction of the approval from the Governor.  This is the statement the Senator issued yesterday afternoon:  “With the passage of SB 1159, Virginia has become the leading state in suppressing the ghoulish practice of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). With the help of Angela Peabody and the Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation, we have made FGM punishable by terms up to life imprisonment; have given victims the right to sue the perpetrators of these crimes; and have begun to educate the public about the crime and its remedy. I am grateful to Angela, the Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation, and those courageous women who are struggling to end this barbaric practice. I am grateful to the Virginia General Assembly for supporting my three bills that accomplished this over the past three sessions.”

Senator Richard H. Black on Senate Floor

Richard H. Black has served the Commonwealth of Virginia since 1998 when he was a member of the Virginia House of Delegates until 2006.  Senator Black announced early in the year that he will not seek reelection when his Senate term is over at the end of this year.  Not only will his constituents in the 13th District miss him, Senator Black will be missed by those in the FGM community whose lives he has touched since his first FGM Senate Bill in 2017.  The Senator expresses gratitude in his statement to those involved in the campaign against FGM.  However Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation joins all the other U.S. NGOs, FGM survivors and the girls at risk of FGM, in expressing profound appreciation and thanks for his relentless efforts in working to get legislation in Virginia passed in three consecutive years.  Now Virginia becomes the first state in the U.S. to have an education FGM law in its Middle and Secondary Schools.

Here is what the Code of Virginia reads:

A. Any family life education curriculum offered by a local school division shall require the Standards of Learning objectives related to dating violence and the characteristics of abusive relationships to be taught at least once in middle school and at least twice in high school, as described in the Board of Education’s family life education guidelines.

B. Any high school family life education curriculum offered by a local school division shall incorporate age-appropriate elements of effective and evidence-based programs on the prevention of dating violence, domestic abuse, sexual harassment, including sexual harassment using electronic means, and sexual violence and may incorporate age-appropriate elements of effective and evidence-based programs on the law and meaning of consent. Such age-appropriate elements of effective and evidence-based programs on the prevention of sexual violence may include instruction that increases student awareness of the fact that consent is required before sexual activity.

C. Any family life education curriculum offered in any elementary school, middle school, or high school shall incorporate age-appropriate elements of effective and evidence-based programs on the importance of the personal privacy and personal boundaries of other individuals and tools for a student to use to ensure that he respects the personal privacy and personal boundaries of other individuals.

D. Any family life education curriculum offered by a local school division shall incorporate age-appropriate elements of effective and evidence-based programs on the harmful physical and emotional effects of female genital mutilation; associated criminal penalties; and the rights of the victim, including any civil action pursuant to §8.01-42.5 (

E.Any family life education curriculum offered by a local school division may incorporate age-appropriate elements of effective and evidence-based programs on the prevention, recognition, and awareness of child abduction, child abuse, child sexual exploitation, and child sexual abuse.

Comments and questions to or call (703) 832-2642

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In your charitable contributions and donations in 2019, please consider Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation by either through the DONATE BUTTON or by sending a check to Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation, 14001A Grumble Jones Court, Centreville, Virginia 20121.  Your generous donations are tax deductible.  Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. 

Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation’s 2019 Calendar


  • GWPF 1st Quarter Board Meeting – Saturday, March 30th
  • NOVA BPW Women’s History Jazz Program – Saturday, April 6th
  • FGM Presentation to Alpha Kappa Alpha (AKA) – Sunday, April 14th
  • Support Group Workshop – Saturday, April 20th
  • First Shipment of Feminine Pads to Sierra Leone – May
  • Support Group Workshop – Saturday, May 18th
  • Support Group Workshop – Saturday, June 15th
  • GWPF 2nd Quarter Board Meeting – Saturday, June 29th
  • Support Group Workshop – Saturday, July 20th
  • Support Group / Vacances Sans Excision Camp – Saturday, August 17th
  • Support Group Workshop – Saturday, September 14th
  • GWPF 3rd Quarter Board Meeting – Saturday, September 28th
  • Global Woman Awards – Friday, October 18th
  • Walk To End FGM – Saturday, October 19th
  • Thanksgiving Feast / Support Group – Saturday, November 16th
  • GWPF Year-End Board Meeting – Saturday, December 7th

We will update this 2019 calendar as schedules come in

This section is for special announcements.  If you have an announcement you would like to run in this section, please follow these guidelines.

Special Announcement:  The Northern Virginia Business and Professional Women’s (NOVA BPW) Club, of the National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Club, Inc. will host their second annual Women’s History Jazz and Awards Luncheon on Saturday, April 6, 2019 at the Country Club of Fairfax, 5110 Ox Road, Fairfax, Virginia 22030 from 11:00 AM until 2:00 PM.  The theme this year is “Celebrating Visionary Women: Empowered and Engaged.” Professional achievement awards will be given to women who have made a significant impact in the community and business arena. This historic event features Art-Spoken Word Performance by Melanie Joyce Johnson and Jazz performances by Common Ground Jazz Ensemble with tributes to the late Aretha Franklin. Radio icon, Tyra Garlington will lend her sexy and compelling voice to the guests, as she guides the program as the Mistress of Ceremony.  Tickets are available ($75.00) online at Eventbrite at  This is a great way to spend a spring afternoon, dining, and being entertained. Sponsorships and journal advertisements are available to businesses and individuals. Vendor opportunities are welcomed and available.  You do not want to miss this event, as it will be like no other.

The education toolkit – Now Available and downloadable at

The guidelines to submit an announcement to appear in this newsletter:

  • The length of announcement must be no more than a paragraph of 6 lines.
  • Your announcement is free of any charges.
  • Your announcement should be something that pertains to women, girls or students, such as events, walk-a-thons, conferences, etc.
  • If there is an accompanying image, it must be no less than 72 dpi, preferably in jpeg.
  • Your announcement must be received no later than the Thursday 5:00pm prior to the following Tuesday publication.  
  • Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation reserves the right to deny a submission if it is not within our guidelines.

Weekly Word-Scramble

Do you enjoy playing with words?  This is a fun way to see how well you can unscramble the following words.  We will reveal the unscrambled words in next week’s edition of the newsletter.  If you enjoyed this, write and give us your feedback to

Can you unscramble the following five words?

This Week’s Scrambled Words






Last Week’s Scrambled Words                      Last Week’s Unscrambled Words

36WSC                                                              CSW63          

NOITALOIV                                                    VIOLATION

SUTATS FO NEMOW                                     STATUS OF WOMEN

DNE MGF KROWTEN                                     END FGM NETWORK

LENAP NOISSUCSID                                     PANEL DISCUSSION                                 

We give you five scrambled words each week.  We hope you enjoy playing.

How You Can Help & Support Us

Here are some of the ways you can help and support our programs in 2018: 

  • Donations (including in-kind donations)
  • Partnering (collaborating in one of our programs and/or events)
  • Joining our Internship or Student-Ambassadorship Program 
  • Volunteering  
  • Donate through employer payroll deduction (through Your Cause, United Way or the government employee giving program)

Important Contacts in the Washington, D.C. Metro Area to Keep Handy

Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation               703-818-3787

National Child Abuse Hotline                              800-422-4453

Fairfax County Office for Women                       703-324-5730

Virginia Crime Victim Assistance                        888-887-3418

Montgomery County Abused Persons Program   240-777-4673 (24 hours)

Prince Georges County Sexual Assault                301-618-3154

Prince Georges County Child Advocacy Center  301-909-2089

Baltimore City Child Abuse Center                     410-396-6147

Frederick County Child Advocacy Center           301-600-1758

Howard County Listening Place                           410-313-2630

Washington County Child Advocacy Center       240-420-4308

District of Columbia Metropolitan Police             202-727-9099

Alexandria Victim/Witness Program                    703-746-4100

Arlington County Victim/Witness Program         703-228-7273

Loudon County Victim Witness Program             703-777-0417

Prince William County Victim/Witness               703-392-7083

Attention: The U.S. government opposes FGM, no matter the type, degree, or severity, and no matter what the motivation for performing it. The U.S. government considers FGM to be a serious human rights abuse, gender-based violence, and, when done to children, a form of child abuse. It is against the law to perform FGM in the United States on a girl under the age of 18 or to send or attempt to send her outside the United States so FGM can be performed. People who violate this law can face prison time and significant immigration consequences. Additionally, anyone who performs FGM on a woman 18 years old or older without her consent may be charged with a crime under other laws.  If someone performed FGM on you, you have not violated any U.S. laws and are not at fault, call 1-800-994-9662.