It’s here! Welcome to the beta launch of our new website!

We are delighted to share with you our newly redesigned website, with a bold new look and enhanced navigation experience.

We’ve streamed lined our menus to give you quick access to the items you’re looking for.

We will be rolling out new pages and functionality over the coming months, and hope that you enjoy visiting our new website. We have tried to make all previous links active and point to the equivalent or relevant information. However, due to the significant changes in the website architecture, we know there may be digital hiccups and you may experience virtual road blocks along the way. This is where we need your help!

Please email us at if you see a broken link or feel that something should be reviewed or enhanced. We will do our best to perfect your browsing experience.

Going forward, we promise to continually expand our online content and keep you updated with the latest information on Global Woman. So check back often, and connect with us on your social network.

OUR BOOK PROJECT | When the Games Froze

[one_half] This book, ‘When the Games Froze‘,  is a compelling story about a group of friends who come together by fate. Their friendship is destined to form a renowned organization that will make a difference in the lives of little girls and needy families all over the world. The author sets out to write this story with the intent of educating women and men alike in the United States and the rest of the world about Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting. [/one_half] [one_half last=last] It is the author’s wish that this book brings awareness to the world about the heinous and atrocious practice that is performed on thousands of helpless little girls in villages around the world. Proceeds from this book will help to fund an awareness campaign and to help build an educational facility for girls in Liberia, West Africa. Your support is appreciated in making this project a success! [/one_half]